
She's Finally Here!!! / 32歲 服務項目:IVF In our life, there comes a time when wishes do come true.

After 8 years of waiting and countless fertility treatments, God has finally answered our prayers with a healthy baby girl last June 13, 2013.  She was a living proof that miracles do happen.  
We would like to thank Dr. Robert Lee Kuo-Kuang of Mackay Memorial Hospital for the successful IVF.  Out of 7 eggs retrieved, only 4 were fertilized.  Of the 4 embryos, there were 2 grade 5, 1 grade 4 and 1 grade 3 embryos.  Not the best odds.  The day of the transfer, I was crying already.  I can clearly recall Dr. Lee telling me, "You only need 1 good embryo and you have one, so don't worry."  I held on to these words all throughout the waiting period. It served as my strength and hope.  True enough, I only need one and she is here with me now, my bundle of joy.
Thank you Dr. Lee, and to all the nurses and staff of Mackay Memorial Hospital for being an instrument in the conception of this little miracle.  This wouldn't be possible without you.  Thank you very very very much. 
To quote from Mark Twain:
“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore.  Dream.  Discover.”
IVF was indeed worth a try... especially with our dream of having a baby as the prize.